The MPIP Segregated Pools program combines these key features and benefits to help build and protect wealth, comprehensive selection of segregated funds Access high-conviction, active portfolio management. Choose from carefully selected segregated pools and portfolios in various asset categories from fixed income to specialty equity.
Learn more about asset allocation segregated portfolios
Get details on global thematic investing
Manulife Smart ETFs are now available on our segregated fund platform. Learn more Security Safeguard your investment with the guaranteed rates available with our Guaranteed Interest Accounts (GIAs) and Daily Interest Account (DIA), within the same contract. You can easily move money GIAs/DIA and pools/portfolios, as your needs change.
Learn more about GIAs here. MPIP Segregated Pools recognize higher deposit amounts with management fee reimbursements for segregated pools and portfolios. These allow household contract linking, which combines all the contract balances in an investor’s household to potentially qualify for an even greater management fee reimbursement.
Management Fee Reimbursement (MFR) Rates
MFR rates don’t differ by pool/portfolio and include the household assets going back to the first dollar invested. The MFR will automatically be credited to the contract, and all eligible contracts in the household, as an allocation of additional units into the relevant pools or portfolios on at least a quarterly basis and will not be paid in cash. GIA and DIA assets are included in the calculation in determining MFR eligibility, though do not receive an MFR. Management fee reimbursement rates* If the aggregated market value of the household assets reaches or exceeds $250,000 every contract within the household benefits from the MFR.
Contract/household value tiers
Asset band**
$250K to $499,999
$500K+ to $999,999
$1M+ to $4,999,999
$5M+ to $9,999,999 $10M+
Segregated Pools and Portfolios*** 2.5bps 5.0bps 7.5bps 10.0bps 12.5bps
Important disclosure Estate planning benefits at death, contract proceeds can pass quickly and privately1 to designated beneficiaries (other than an
estate), without legal, estate administration, and probate2 fees.
- Learn more
Potential creditor protection. This feature may be an attractive feature to professionals and small business owners interested in protecting personal assets from professional liability. - Explore the investment options
With access to balanced and fixed-income asset categories as well as global
opportunities, these segregated pools and portfolios may be ideal for business
owners and professionals who want to separate personal assets from business.